
Jul 9, 2016

3 words that customers love listening

3 words that customers love listening

Certain behavioral investigations have revealed that there are some "magic words" who like to listen to customers and they are nothing out of this world, but perhaps are unusual despite its effectiveness. You'll have access to some research and experiments conducted in the United States, which reveal what these words and how to implement them in your marketing plan without sounding like a car salesman.

1. Free!

The first on our list is not a surprise, because it is a word that has been the number one to draw the attention of people for decades.

Today, "free" seems more an expectation, how persuasive you can be? Although overused, this message is a very special concept. And our preference for this expression seems to be linked to the brain.

In an experiment described in Dan Ariely's book, "Predictably Irrational" the story of a battle between the Kiss Hersheys chocolates and truffles Lindt account. If you do not know the past, they are much more expensive than traditional Kiss chocolates and are generally known to have the best flavor.

In his evidence, he sought Ariely reveal what price differences made people choose between one and the other. In the first, truffles could be bought for 15 cents, half its usual cost, or people could choose to buy a Kiss for a penny. Nearly three quarters of people chose the nose because it was getting a better deal and a superior product.

In the following discussion, the cost of each chocolate fell by a penny: 14 cents for truffles and Kisses were free. Although the price difference was the same, the behavior of the subjects changed completely. Now people choose Kisses times the Lindt.

Ariely's conclusion was that seek to avoid losses rather than seeking profits even if the loss is very large. We also tend to look for things that can be earned with minimal effort.

When using the word "free" in your business, you should avoid the false promises and turn your customers into "bargain hunters" instead of value seekers. Do not hurt prices and the perceived value of your products to put "free" at all, but be aware of the problems you can face.

The charges you consider insignificant often can avoid sales because they eliminate the opportunity to promote something that is "free" for customers.

2. Instantly!

If there is one thing that our brains love is to solve the problems immediately. The ability to delay gratification is a feature that many researchers have described as essential for a healthy and successful individual.

If you know the case of the "experiment marshmallow" (children of both sexes were enrolled. A psychologist let every child alone in a room with a marshmallow and promised them that if they did not eat while he returned, would give them another marshmallow) the researchers concluded that children who were able to defer gratification are more likely to be successful adults.

What has this to do with business? The reason that delayed gratification is an important issue is because our brains like to chase instant rewards. Several studies have shown that the frontal cortex is going on when we think "wait" for something.

Words like "instant", "immediately" or even "fast" are known to turn on the switch. The temptation to fix our problems right away also works in conservative customers, so you can be sure that your customers will give an opportunity to your product if they know that no "deferred" their gratification for later.

Although you will not be able to immediately send things by mail (not all sell digital things), remind your clients that the purchase will "quickly" may be the little push you need to make the sale.

3. New!

Although many of these words remind us of the commercials that promote their products on the deck, remember that implementation depends entirely on your target customer: these are the words that have the power, not the yellow outline.

That said, one of the words they like to hear is "new" and has worked for a long time for sales and continue to serve. Why?
Thanks to scientists know that word has power because the new things we are attractive, although that idea usually die early in material purchases (faster than the "experiences").

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